Outcomes - The Australian Grocery Academy
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Course Overview

What should your business and your people expect?

Training that can be used from day one

Lead content comes from category and strategy consultants Real World Marketing. Every week they work with many of Australian suppliers to drive business and capability outcomes. Their team has worked in Australian and UK FMCG. And because they know that analysis has to live in a business long after a project, they are proven experts in business training. Ensuring the needs and dynamics of customers and industry is completely up to date, the Advantage Group will contribute to course content and materials.

Inspiring your best people to engage and create even stronger outcomes

Accelerating key talent means giving them an easy framework to help drive their careers. One that’s big on tools to handle complex situations. Coupled with Real World Marketing’s deep understanding of the industry, you get real business issues aligned to real retailer feedback and needs.

A Learning Framework designed for FMCG

The learning cycle framework

There is a lot to manage in a fast paced industry like FMCG. That’s why we built a learning framework that helps people acquire, practice and reflect on each stage of the course. Training that is smart, relevant and self-sustaining.